We are the 4th generation of lifelong ranchers. We live and work on our ranch in rural DeWitt County in south-central Texas.
Since first sampling Wagyu beef some 9 years ago, we quickly realized that Wagyu beef will be the future of beef in Texas. Over the past two years, interest in the breed has quadrupled. We specialize in Full Blood Wagyu top-quality cattle. NOTHING less than Prime.
Our cattle are foundation-based cattle and all are direct descendants of the very first Japanese Wagyu in America. Over the years we have used technology to improve our genetic offering. Present day some of the most valuable cattle in the world are born on and live out their lives on our ranch.

We are a BQA-Certified ranch and our cattle are easy to handle.
We utilize the principles of regenerative ranching to sustain the environment where we work and live. We are proud to say our ranch feels more like a park than a traditional cattle ranch and our cattle are free to roam within its borders.
We live with our cattle. We lay eyes on them at least twice a day. They are hand-fed calm animals, each with distinct personalities. Many are halter trained, and all allow you to walk up to them without being startled.
We take care of our cattle, and in return, we expect them to perform. All of our calves have a free choice of diet of 14.5% creep. This blend is specially designed for Wagyu cattle. All calves remain with their dams until they are 210 days old. All Calves are Vaccinated and DO NOT RECEIVE NON-THERAPEUTIC ANTIBIOTICS.
All cattle are pasture-raised on a diet of Cheyenne and Bermuda. Our entire ranch is fertilized on an annual basis. Diets are supplemented with recommendations from Texas A&M after annual forage samples are completed.
To protect our valuable herd, our entire ranch is fenced with net wire and protected with instant cloud video surveillance via whole-ranch WIFI. We utilize the services of two internet service providers to provide overlapping services.
All of our cattle are RFID tagged at birth, and branded with our freeze brand.
We use the latest technology to capture data on our animals that help us make better breeding decisions. We are consistently analyzing data supplied by our breed associations to improve our herd. We do not manipulate or hide data on our herd. We publish it all so you can make a better-informed decision.
You can Trust our data. We DO NOT purchase animals that have no published data.
We AI our own cattle on the ranch using fixed-time AI protocols. We synchronize our cattle on our ranch in our state-of-the-art facility to reduce stress.
We are the only ranch in our area to utilize the Heatseiker heat detection center, which automatically collects heat times electronically on our herd. We have found that using this system has dramatically improved our AI and ET conception rate.
We are utilizing the CattleMax record keeping system to document the history of our herd. Buyers will receive a COMPLETE event history at time of transfer.
We are a BQA-certified ranch, and our cattle are easy to handle. We utilize the services of a certified Embryologist, Regan Brooks, at Agrimark in Kingsbury, Texas, to assist with our embryo transfers into recipient cattle.

All of our cattle are registered with the American Wagyu Association as well as with the Australian Wagyu Association, and we are active members of the Texas Wagyu Association.
Instead of competing with other breeders, we choose to work with them. We want our partners to be successful. By making them successful we are also successful.
You will find our genetic offerings at outstanding wagyu ranches throughout the world.
Many thanks to our most recent buyers,
- Brian Angus at Woodview Wagyu
- Mike Garrison at Cripple G Farms
- Rick Stewart at Concho Vista Cattle Company
- Jerome and Leanne Landreneau at Sunday River Ranch
- Organian Livestock LLC
- Renew Livestock Company
- Watters World Ranch Company
- Brenner cattle company
- William Kiker at WA Kiker at Cattle Company
- Olivia and Matthew Landon at Long Hill Livestock Company LLC
- Rayan Kern at 7th K Ranch
- Ryan Cade at RC Ranch
- Tally Windham Ranch
- Faith and John CONTE at Faith Conte Farms
- Valet Packing
- Jeremy Tibben at Imperial Wagyu
Reach out today!